Anne’s Journey to the Simonton Cancer Centre

Anne's profile photoAs you know, I am very interested in health and well being.

Cancer can be a wake-up call to look at ourselves and how we are living.

Relating this to mind, body, ourselves and others. Well this has been a very healthy week for me! Following my juice fast with Bernadette Bohan on Wednesday, I am excited to be sitting in the Airport waiting to fly to the Simonton Cancer Centre in the States to train in their techniques which are used in the treatment of cancer.

For over 40 years, the Simonton Cancer Center has been a leader in the scientifically proven mind-body approach for treating cancer patients. The Center’s integrated program was the first of its kind in the world, and was pioneered by the Radiation Oncologist most often considered “father of mind-body medicine for cancer patients,” Dr. O. Carl Simonton, MD.

simonton logo


The Simonton method focuses on interactions between the mind and the body—how beliefs, attitudes, lifestyle choices, spiritual and psychological perspectives can dramatically affect our health, the course of our disease, and our overall well-being.

This is a special trip for me as this is the method my mother used 26 years ago to heal herself from stage 3 Ovarian Cancer, and is a happy Grandmother today. She called Carl Simonton’s book – Getting Well Again – her Bible, and practiced his methods of visualising the weak confused cancer cells being zapped by her strong healthy white blood cells. More about that later!

It was her experience that really opened up my interest in health and well being and the power we exert over our own lives if we can just harness it. I will keep you posted with lots of updates and of course when I return I will be eager to pass on these methods to you. In the meantime, I better get to work. I have 2 books and 4 CDs to digest by Sunday morning!
x Anne

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