It’s October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so we need to talk about them, the uneven post-cancer kind.
This article was inspired when a now client of ours came to see us earlier this year to let us know that she was using a bag of birdseed in her bra to even out her breasts… ”I didn’t know about partials”.
We come across many women whose breasts are uneven in size following breast cancer. Many are grateful to be over their treatment and just accept uneven breasts as ‘normal’. There’s nothing normal about using a bag of bird seed to even out your breasts or deciding you can no longer wear a swim suit or a tight top!
It’s fantastic that Surgeons are doing much more breast conserving surgeries these days. Women are having more lumpectomies and wide local incisions, but despite these advances, women can be left with a deficit on one side following these surgeries. Radiotherapy can also cause the breast tissue to shrink adding to the deficit.
While you are getting over surgery and going through treatment, you may be wearing soft comfy bras and clothing, which means the deficit does not become apparent until you are really getting back into your regular wardrobe and life again.
Don’t worry, at Roches we have the solutions, we have moulded / padded bras and small partial prostheses in a variety of shapes and sizes to balance out your shape.
Likewise, if you opt to have breast reconstruction, there is a period of time when your breasts will be uneven. Reconstruction is a process rather than an event and can take up to a year from start to finish. Depending on the type of reconstruction you opt for and whether you need a reduction on the remaining breast, chances are you breast will be different sizes for a while.
So now as its OCTOBER it’s Your ‘Let’s Talk About..’ Uneven Breasts story time…
Please share your stories about ‘uneven breasts’ with us and enter a competition to win a voucher worth €100 for Roches ? Post them to us via our Facebook page as we would love to share them if we can!
Keep October pink-tastic and do look after No.1 now,
Anne x
And PS…for the month of October, we are delighted to offer 20% off all partial prostheses. Prices range from €40-€120 and include a free bra fitting.
See our video by our in-house Breast Care Advisor & Fitter Samantha Sherlock and follow her tips :
These are great for giving your own breast a lift, if needed, to create an even cleavage.
Foam Bust Cups
These are great to even out lumps and bumps post reconstruction so that you can still wear your fitted tops and dresses.
Silicone Bust Shapes
These are create an even shape, and are waterproof so can be worn when in the pool or at the beach.
DID YOU KNOW? If you have a protruding nipple, there are nipples that can attach to either your own breast or prosthesis.